Gone Viral!
Would you like to know a perfectly simple way to help boost your immune system and fight off airborne germs? Gone Viral! Lip Balm was...

Reasons Why Buying Essential Oils "Just Anywhere" Can Be Problematic #5 Information
Reason #5) Information and Education We live in an age of information. Information is readily accessible and at your fingertips. And it’s...

Reasons Why Buying Essential Oils "Just Anywhere" Can Be Problematic #4 Oxidation
Reason #4) Oxidation Oxidation is the process of the breaking-down of molecular structure. All essential oils oxidize. Some oxidize...

Reasons Why Buying Essential Oils “Just Anywhere” Can Be Problematic #3 Safety
Reason #3) Safety Information; What do you know about safety issues concerning individual essential oils? The many benefits are published...

Reasons Why Buying Essential Oils "Just Anywhere" Can Be Problematic #1 Chemotypes
Reasons Why Buying Essential Oils “Just Anywhere” Can Be Problematic Reason #1) Chemotypes; Chemotype is the title given to plants that,...